We perform two methods for cryopreservation or freezing systems, which also define two modalities of samples available to the Reproduction Centers: WHOLE SEMEN Samples and READY USE Samples


  • The ejaculate (whole semen) is diluted with cryoprotectant medium (Freezing Medium – TEST yolk buffer from IrvineScientific) at 1:1 ratio.
  • Then it is stored into straws and frozen.
Shipment consists of three 0,5 ml straws, minimal sperm concentration of 10 million / mL progressive motility spermatozoa.
  • Traceability of the sperm straws sent is specific for one insemination cycle, for an identified woman and to be used at her specific reproduction center.
  • Traceablity for each shipment is registered through the traking number of the report included in the shipment.
  • This traceability system makes every single shipment indivisible: the straws included may not be used for subsequent insemination cycles for the same woman, or for a different patient altogether.
  • If after insemination unused straws remain, these must be returned to CEIFER Biobanco to be destroyed.
  • In case of split insemination cycle, traceablity breaks and not any straws, neither the results of the technique (pregnancies, births) may be further assigned to one specific sperm sample shipment.
  • Unfulfillment of this rules shall always be the reproduction center responsibility. CEIFER BioBanco shall not be liable in the event of any legal claim by sanitary authorities or the receiving patient.
It is required to perform a technique for the recovery of motile spermatozoa, in order to wash out seminal fluid, cryoprotectants, non-motile spermatozoa and remaining debrise. >>View Instructions for use
  • Intrauterine insemination
  • IVF
  • ICSI
Every sperm sample goes through a ‘Thawing Test’ before leaving our bank. The following conditions have to be met:

  • Sperm concentration after thawing ≥10 million / mL progressive motility spermatozoa.
  • Total absence of pathogenic germs proliferation.
  • Growth of bacterial regional flora


  • The ejaculate is processed following a technique for the recovery of motile spermatozoa through density gradients, washing out and dilution (1:3 ratio) using ‘Sperm Freeze’ medium (FertiPro).
  • Then it is stored into straws and frozen.
Shipment consists of one 0,5 ml straw, minimal sperm concentration of 8 million / mL progressive motility spermatozoa.
  • Traceability of the sperm straws sent is specific for one insemination cycle, for an identified woman and to be used at her specific reproduction center.
  • Traceablity for each shipment is registered through the traking number of the report included in the shipment.
  • Thus the sperm straw assigned to and sent for a specific insemination cycle, for a single patient, may only be used for the assigned receiving woman.
  • In case the straw remains unused, it must be returned to CEIFER Biobanco for destruction.
  • In case of split insemination cycle, traceablity breaks and not any straws, neither the results of the technique (pregnancies, births) may be further assigned to one specific sperm sample shipment.
  • Unfulfillment of this rules shall always be the reproduction center responsibility. CEIFER BioBanco shall not be liable in the event of any legal claim by sanitary authorities or the receiving patient.
It is recommended washing out the sample to elliminate cryoprotectants. >>View Instructions for use
  • Intrauterine insemination
  • ICSI
Every sperm sample goes through a ‘Thawing Test’ before leaving our bank. The following conditions have to be met:

  • Sperm concentration after thawing ≥8 million / mL progressive motility spermatozoa.
  • Total absence of pathogenic germs proliferation.
  • Growth of bacterial regional flora


The price refers to a shipment comprising 3 straws of 0.5 ml WHOLE SEMEN. These is the recommended quantity for one insemination cycle.

  • Shipment for one insemination cycle: [table “5” could not be loaded /]

Considerations about pricing:

  • Transportation within the iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and with the courier services chosen by CEIFER Biobanco.
  • For other destinations additional charges may apply, please ask.

The price refers to a shipment comprising 1 straw of 0.5 ml SEMEN READY-USE. These is the recommended quantity for one insemination cycle.

  • Shipment for one insemination cycle: [table “5” could not be loaded /]

Considerations about pricing:

  • Transportation within the iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and with the courier services chosen by CEIFER Biobanco.
  • For other destinations additional charges may apply, please ask.
  • SPERM PREVENT: [table “5” could not be loaded /]


This price includes:

  • Sperm sample. The price is for the shipment of THREE 0,5 mL straws of WHOLE SEMEN, or ONE single 0,5 mL straw of READY-USE SEMEN. These are the recommended volumes for a successful insemination cycle.
  • NGS qCarrier-plus laboratory test analysis of the patient genetic material (DNA).
  • Genetic Matching between the sperm donor and the patient.
  • Prices given for transportation within the iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal) and with the courier services chosen by CEIFER Biobanco.
  • For other destinations prices may vary according to the rate applied by the transport agency, please ask.
